LEGO Master Australia pits eight teams of two against each other in a quest to impress Ryan [Judge] with their creativity, design ability and storytelling.

Night One: Stop you in your tracks Challenge [17 hours build time].
The winning team earns immunity [The Platinum Brick], while another team drew the Brick of Doom. The holder of the brick has to start 5 minutes later than the other teams. You hold the Brick of Doom until you win a challenge.
Whose build stopped you in your tracks?
Night Two: Castles and Cannonballs Challenge [8 hours build time].
Build a castle in one of four styles: a Spartan, a knight, a Viking or a Samurai based on the minifigure you randomly draw. Then Hamish will attempt to destroy it with a Ten Pin Bowling ball. The destruction is filmed in slow motion and the team with the best slow-motion explosion will win safety from night three’s elimination.
Night Three: Snow Globe Challenge [10 hours build time].
The less impressive build sends it’s team home, in the first elimination of Season 3. Each team has to build a creation to go inside a snow globe. Once built they will be put inside a snow globe and bought to live with fake snow.
Who will go home?

Missed an episode?
Visit 9Now to catch up on previous episodes. They have seasons one and two to enjoy as well.
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