Something new for Star Wars.
The Bad Batch, the latest Disney+ Star Wars series and a spin-off from The Clone Wars have their own set due for release on the 1st of August.
Tech, Echo, Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair, have all been created as minifigs.
Number: 75314
Pieces: 969
Price: AUD149.99 [$99.99 USD/EUR, £89.99 GBP]
Available: 1st of August from, LEGO Stores and other retailers globally. Pre-order from the 6th of May? Not currently on the LEGO Australia website.
LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle LEGO The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle
The LEGO Group reveals a cool, brick-built version of The Bad Batch – Attack Shuttle inspired by the new Star Wars animated series, Star Wars: The Bad Batch, streaming only on Disney+. The LEGO® Star Wars™ The Bad Batch™ Attack Shuttle construction set has been created for children ages 9+ and Star Wars aficionados looking to engage in their own clone missions.
In the new series, the Attack Shuttle is piloted by a group of elite clones known as the Bad Batch (Tech, Echo, Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair) and each member has been recreated as a LEGO minifigure in the 969-piece construction set.
The Attack Shuttle construction set also comes with two land speeders, allowing children and fans to recreate thrilling scenes from the new animated series. The model features awesome details to help Star Wars and LEGO fans alike play out their own missions, with weapon storage in the cabin, foldable wings and spring-loaded shooters.
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